Protest in Support of Tuition Subsidies for Refugee Children

Post Date: Jan 26th, 2018 | Categories: Advocacy, Education, Racism | COMMENT

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Protesting against default on refugee children tuition subsidies outside the Cheung Sha Wan government office. Picture Credit: Socialist Action

 On Tuesday, 23 January, Refugee Union members, along with members of Socialist Action, protested outside the Cheung Sha Wan government offices in support of continuing tuition subsidies for refugee children. Currently the government office has delayed these necessary subsidies, leaving refugee children and their families in limbo. These subsidies are essential so that refugee children may have equal access to quality education. Refugees in Hong Kong are prohibited from working in the city, and thus cannot afford to pay the increasingly expensive tuition fees charged by schools here. Refugee Union believes that quality education and child care are human rights, and that government spending must be increased in these areas. Refugee Union opposes the Hong Kong government’s accelerating privatization of education. This government action disproportionately affects the refugee community, and is detrimental to all who reside in Hong Kong.