
Petition to Social Welfare Department (Chinese)

Jun 23rd, 2018 | Advocacy, Food, Health, Housing, Welfare | Comment

RU letter to SWD - 2Jun2018

Petition to Social Welfare Department

Jun 23rd, 2018 | Advocacy, Food, Housing | Comment

RU petition to SWD - 20Jun2018 - 1

Drink For Justice 8 – 19 June

Jun 15th, 2018 | RU updates, programs, events | Comment

Make new friends,
build support networks and
promote genuine solidarity, 
one drink at a time.

This month we celebrate World Refugee Day by going the extra mile. An exclusive and exciting lineup of local and international talent will shine a spotlight on comedy, music, dance and the art of mixing drinks. Join us at iconic Employees Only for a night of fine tunes, special cocktails and an epic open mic program! Be brave, speak up!


May Round-Up at Refugee Union

Jun 13th, 2018 | Advocacy | Comment

May was a productive month at Refugee Union. From the members’ monthly meeting, to knitting classes, to the monthly fundraiser, Drink for Justice, members and friends of Refugee Union came together in solidarity and to raise awareness of refugee issues in Hong Kong. In addition, members of Refugee Union were invited to the West Island School last week where they connected with students over food and culture. Everyone worked together to prepare and enjoy dishes from Refugee Union members’ home countries. Thank you again to all who came out, donated, and participated in May events, and we look forward to celebrating World Refugee Day (June 20) next week. Every day is World Refugee Day!

Making beautiful art during English classes with Canadian School students

Band members and friends of Talents Displaced at the May Drink for Justice event at ACT Africa Coffee and Tea! They had a fantastic performance.

Connecting through food and culture at West Island School



Thanks Donors!

May 24th, 2018 | Advocacy | Comment

On behalf of the families who participate in Cultural Diversity Playgroup, we would like to thank Disposable Soft Goods (DSG) LTD for their donation of Pet Pet baby diapers to Refugee Union families. Because the official monthly supply of diapers given to refugees and asylum seekers is woefully inadequate, this donation will enable families to maintain hygiene and take good care of their babies! 

Refugee Union Cultural Diversity Playgroup says THANKS to donors for Pet Pet diapers donation!

Refugee Union continues to welcome donations of baby diapers, rice cookers and laptops (used but in good condition is OK) for its members and their families. A big thank you to DSG, and to all donors. We hope to see you at next week’s Drink for Justice event (31 May)!

Alarm at drop in legal aid for Hong Kong judicial review applications

May 13th, 2018 | Legal, Media | Comment

SCMP - drop in legal aid approvals - 13May2018

Drink for Justice 7 – 31 May!

May 10th, 2018 | Advocacy, Refugee Community, RU updates, programs, events | Comment

Drink for Justice returns this month with an exciting new program!

Get ready to have your wit and knowledge challenged in a night of quizzes and group competitions staged at splendid, newly opened Africa Coffee and Tea.

Music group Talents Displaced will hold a special performance, comprising artists from across the globe.

All proceeds from ticket sales will go to support charity organization Refugee Union!

Tell your friends and join the most meaningful drinks free-flow event in town. Turn your Happy Hour in positive change.

Come out on 31 May, 6:30-9PM

Africa Coffee & Tea in Wong Chuk Hang (15/F, Suite 1501-1504, 41 Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang MTR Exit A1

Purchase tickets here:

RSVP on the Facebook event page

Learn more at




April Round-Up at Refugee Union

Apr 25th, 2018 | Advocacy, Refugee Community, RU updates, programs, events | Comment

It has been another busy month at Refugee Union, with excellent opportunities for fellowship among members of the refugee community, and with the Hong Kong community at large.

The Drink for Justice series continues to be an excellent event for building solidarity with the greater Hong Kong community, combating prejudice and preconceptions of people who have been forced to leave their homelands, and raising money for the members of Refugee Union and their families. At the April event, artwork from the children’s painting classes was exhibited for purchase, which raised some money for members of Refugee Union. Thank you to donors! All the money raised from the Drink for Justice events goes to refugees currently living in Hong Kong who struggle to subsist on the sub-par living allowances from International Social Services (ISS) as authorized by the Hong Kong government. Thanks to all who joined us at the event, and special thanks to La Vin Wines and Petit Cucina in Central for hosting us this past month.

Folks enjoying themselves at Drink for Justice 6. Thanks for coming out and supporting the work of Refugee Union!

Earlier this month, Refugee Union held its monthly meeting, where members could come together and discuss common issues. At this meeting, Refugee Union welcomed a volunteer speaker to talk with members about how to stay physically healthy and fit despite the emotional and physical toll of waiting for the legal outcome on their asylum cases.

Members of Refugee Union taking part in some fitness exercises during the monthly meeting.

Further, activities and programming at Refugee Union are in full swing. From painting, knitting and English classes for young people, to English and Cantonese classes for adults, members of Refugee Union make good use of their time as they await decisions on their asylum cases. Asylum seekers are not allowed to work in Hong Kong, leading to months and even years of being unable to pursue fruitful work in their careers.

Children coming together to play, regardless of national origin, at cultural diversity playgroup, held every other Tuesday (next meeting is May 8). Any person in Hong Kong with young children is welcome to join!

If you would like to support the refugee community, members are currently seeking diapers, rice cookers, and laptops in good condition. Cash donations to Refugee Union are welcome as well to support programming events, like cultural diversity playgroup. If you are interested in volunteering at Refugee Union or making a donation, please email or call +852 9828 7176. Thank you for your support, and hope to see you at Refugee Union or at a future Drink for Justice event!



Racism is alive and well in Hong Kong, but there’s growing sympathy for refugee children

Apr 20th, 2018 | Advocacy, Government, Media | Comment

SCMP Refugee children - 20Apr2018

Drink For Justice April: “Pour Amour”

Apr 10th, 2018 | Advocacy | Comment


“This month Drink for Justice shines the spotlight on love, friendships and relationships at the highly anticipated all-you-can-drink “Dating for Justice”! Come join the loving excitement at the most intriguing DFJ to-date. Games, fun and much more will be on offer in a relaxed romantic atmosphere at “La Vin” – Central’s premiere wine-tasting venue.”

Come join us on Thursday April 19, 2018 from 6:30-9 PM at:

La Vin Wines and Petit Cucina

Basement, Yuen Yick Building

27 & 29 Wellington Street


For a small donation ($200 early bird or $250 at the door) you are welcome to join in this exciting drinks free-flow event; meet like-minded people; and share stories of equality, indifference and justice.

All the proceeds will go to support charity organization Refugee Union.

Early bird tickets are on sale till 12 April.

This event is supported by ACT Africa Coffee & Tea

For more information, please visit or if you would like to help plan the next event, email


**Current donations requested by refugees: rice-cookers, diapers for babies, and laptops. Rice-cookers and laptops used in good condition are welcome as well. Thank you in advance for your support!**

Donors are welcome to make cash donations at Drink for Justice for this express purpose. Donors may also bring donations to Refugee Union headquarters during the week. Please email if you would like to drop off your donation to support the refugee community of Hong Kong. Thank you!