This month marked the end of the year 2022. In this festive season, our centre was filled with beautiful wishes: refugee families received cash and necessities from donors; volunteers organised celebration activities for us. This piece reviews the major activities that happened at our centre over the month.
Refugee Union, founded in 2014, is Hong Kong’s only refugee-led organisation. We have over 3,000 members from 52 countries. Currently, our centre is based in Sheung Wan. We work with visions to safeguard refugee rights and improve the situation of refugees in Hong Kong.
On 15 December, we were thrilled to have Warner Music sending refugee kids amazing Christmas gifts and talented students from the Hong Kong International School Heritage singing carols for us at our centre.
12月15日,本會很高興Warner Music為難民孩子送上聖誕禮物,以及Hong Kong International School Heritage的學生到訪頌唱聖詩。

On 16 December, we were grateful to our friends at the ESF Beacon Hill School for organising a big charity collection for refugee families during Christmas holiday. Thanks also go to Vanessa and Sylvie of the German Swiss International School Hong Kong for delivering refugee kids a creative Christmas ornament workshop.
12月16日,本會衷心感謝合作夥伴ESF Beacon Hill School於聖誕假期發起了一項大型慈善收集活動,為難民家庭送上祝福。另感謝German Swiss International School Hong Kong的學生Vanessa和Sylvie為難民孩子舉辦創意聖誕飾物工作坊。

On 21 December, Eaton Workshop invited refugee families (30 parents and 32 children) to a Christmas buffet. It was an opportunity for refugee families to forget their troubles and have a great time together. Thank you very much!
12月21日,本會非常感謝Eaton Workshop邀請難民家庭 (包括30名家長和32名孩子) 享用聖誕自助餐,讓他們暫時忘卻煩憂,於佳節享受天倫之樂。

This month we received donations of wide-ranging useful items. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to those who lend us a helping hand. Your support means a lot to us. We deliver all items we received to refugees.

Please continue to support our centre and stay tuned to our website and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) for updated information. You are also welcomed to contact us by email at info@refugeeunion.org or visit our centre during office hours (Mondays to Saturdays, 10am-6pm).
請繼續關注本會的網站和社交媒體專頁 (Facebook、Instagram、Twitter) 以獲取本會發布的最新資訊,亦歡迎各位以電郵 (info@refugeeunion.org) 形式聯絡本會或親臨到訪 (辦公時間為星期一至六上午十時至下午六時)。