With the epidemic in Hong Kong coming to an end, folk lives stepwise go back to normal. This piece reviews the activities that happened at our centre last month.
About Us 關於我們
The Refugee Union was founded in 2014 and is the only refugee-led organisation in Hong Kong. We have over 3,000 registered members and half of these are active members. Currently, our centre is based in Sheung Wan. As an union of and for refugees, we have always been working to safeguard refugee rights and improve the situation of refugees in Hong Kong.
Activities at a Glance 活動一覽
20 June is World Refugee Day. The United Nations General Assembly in 2000 designated the day as an international day with the aim of raising global awareness of refugee issues.
This year our partner Grassroots Future launched the first Refugee Week in Hong Kong to honour refugee resilience and raise awareness. The campaign was featured by the Young Post. Click here for more details.
今年本會的合作夥伴Grassroots Future舉辦了本港首個「難民週」。該活動旨在向難民致敬,同時藉此喚起港人對難民議題的關注。該活動獲Young Post報導,詳情請按此。
On World Refugee Day, our volunteer Ka Wang Kelvin Lam wrote a short introduction about refugees in Hong Kong. The article has been published on our website. Click here to access the full article.
世界難民日當天,本會的志願者Ka Wang Kelvin Lam於本會網誌刊登了一篇文章簡述香港難民的狀況。請按此閱讀全文。
Our chairwoman, Namagambe Adella, was interviewed by Global Voices earlier. Ms Adella shared her experience as a refugee woman in Hong Kong. The article was out this month. Click here to access the full article.
另外,本會主席Namagembe Adella早前接受Global Voices訪問。Adella女士分享了自己身為女性難民在香港的經歷。請按此閱讀全文。
Giving is a Blessing 施比受更有福
This month we received donations of abundant items. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to our generous donors who lend us a hand. Your support means a lot to us. We promise to deliver all donations we received to our members who are in need.

Please stay tuned to our website and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) for the updated information. You are also welcome to contact us by email at info@refugeeunion.org or by visiting our centre during office hours (Mondays to Saturdays, 10am-6pm).
請繼續關注本會的網站和社交媒體專頁 (Facebook、Instagram、Twitter) 以獲取本會及本地難民社群相關的最新資訊。亦歡迎各位以電郵 (info@refugeeunion.org) 形式聯絡本會或親臨到訪 (辦公時間:星期一至六上午10時至下午6時)。