Refugee Union Collaborates with Health In Action
Dec 10th, 2015 | Health, RU updates, programs, events | Comment
Refugee Union collaborates with Health in Action to improve the health of our members. We welcome our members to register with the office to join this Program that will set the path for a healthier living in a field where we suffer very poor care in the Public health care system.
We invite our members to participate and spread the word to enable Health in Action to achieve this far sighted goal
According to the HIA proposal, the project aims to:
- conduct comprehensive survey in different households to understand their housing needs
- understand how living conditions affect ASR’s health mentally and physically
- help deliver basic medical checkups (body mass index, blood pressure, blood glucose) for ASRs, and do follow ups for cases accordingly to the households that we visit
- compile a report to reveal the demographic profile, living conditions and service needs of ASRs