The Refugee Union is in talks with Urban Refugees (France) www.urban-refugees.org
URBAN REFUGEES was created in November 2012 as a French NGO. Its mission is to improve the lives of urban refugees and IDPs in developing countries by supporting refugee led-organizations in urban settings, by facilitating networking between key stakeholders and by advocating at the policy level.
Until now, our activities focused on raising the profile of urban displacement situations using online tools, building key partnerships with organizations including the UNHCR Urban Refugee Task Team (URTT) and gathering civil society organizations, academics and experts into a central network.
The Incubator project will be our first program in the field. Upon completion of those 4 first incubation programs, a thorough evaluation will be conducted and the program will be replicated to serve other refugee-led organizations. Incubation of refugee organizations outside camps will become the main activity of our organization.
We have two branches, one in the USA (New York) and one in France (Paris). Each brand has its own Board of Directors. An executive committee brings together directors from the French and USA branch for strategic decisions.