On 8 January, Refugee Union (RU) held its first monthly meeting of 2018. Though the weather was quite cold, members and visitors showed up in force. RU members discussed ongoing issues and concerns. One of the most pressing issues for refugees continues to be legal battles for recognition of refugee status here in Hong Kong, and fear of deportation back to dangerous situations in home countries. Such legal battles cause a great deal of stress and anxiety for refugees and their families here. Parents especially worry about the future of their children, and how to raise healthy and happy children here in Hong Kong in the midst of this stress and uncertainty.
Other issues discussed included raising awareness about the recent apartment rent increases. While rent has gone up, housing allowances for refugees have not. Since refugees are prohibited from working in Hong Kong, they are particularly affected by the high living expenses here.
Lastly, members discussed how to continue funding for ongoing and new programming here at Refugee Union. Cash donations will go a long way in order to provide for language classes, kids’ classes, playgroup, and more. Refugees have skills to share and develop with the greater Hong Kong community. Invest in refugees in Hong Kong. For more information, please email info@refugeeunion.org.