Post Date: Nov 28th, 2018 | Categories: RU updates, programs, events | COMMENT

October was a meaningful and busy month at the Refugee Union. With the generous support of our kind-heart volunteers and committed members, our Office continue to serve the local refugee community, speaking out for an improvement of their living condition and well-being despite the harsh conditions that Hong Kong Government forces on us. 

New Events

On 5 October, our Office submitted a petition to the Legislative Council (Legco) Panel on Security, concerning the tightening of regulations on the asylum seekers and refugees. We expressed our opinion on behalf of the local refugee community after collecting views from different groups and nationalities. Our top priority is to always strive for change in the asylum sphere. 


On 12 October, our Office collaborated with “Mini Acts for the Greater Good” to hold an art exhibition at The Hive in Wong Chuk Hang. Many refugee kids and their parents attended and practiced their art and painting skills while sharing their experience with many residents who expressed interest in both the artwork and the plight of refugees in Hong Kong. 


We were honoured to have the Hon. Fernando Cheung attend the refugee children art exhibition. Thank you for your tireless support of refugees in Hong Kong, Sir!

Fernando Cheung and RU leaders - Oct2018

Also, we are glad to have new classes at our Office in Sai Ying Pun. We would like to welcome the new volunteers from different universities who are willing to spend their time to organize Cantonese classes for our refugee adults while connecting us to new resources. They help us to understand more about the Chinese culture and to better integrate into the local community.


Regular Events

On a weekly basis, our Office offers a series of classes targeting the asylum seekers and refugees with different age groups. These are ongoing activities our members are most grateful for as not classes not only provide opportunity to learn, but also socialize and get out of the oppressive routine of feeling like prisoners-in-the-city which is the condition of being on Immigration bail without the opportunity to work and feel productive. 

We have the Canadian Tutorial Session every Saturday at our office, with a group of passionate volunteers to teach refugee children school assignments and help them to prepare for tests and examinations.


The Cultural Diversity Playgroup at our office targets both refugee adults and babies. Participants can make new friends and learn new things during lessons. They all share joyful moments.


Members who are interested in the above programmes, please visit our office for more information. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all volunteers who stand with our refugee community. Keep visiting our website and Facebook for the latest information. For enquiry, please don’t hesitate to visit our office or email us at info@refugeeunion.org. THANK YOU.