//We are a group of students from CUHK that concern about the asylum seekers in Hong Kong. Last summer, with support from the I‧CARE Social Service Projects Scheme, we launched our social service project called “Love ‧ Care ‧ Boundaryless”. In these few months, we have offered free Cantonese lessons and cultural tour for the asylum seekers to let them understand more about the local culture, enabling them to better adapt the social environment.
After this project, we made a video which aims to let the public rediscover the socially marginalised. They are neither fake refugees nor criminals, but the asylum seekers who fled from their home countries under the threat to life.//
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eba8XqMZsks
Funding: I‧CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Venue and collaboration: Refugee Union Hong Kong
Project advisor: Dr. LEE King-wa
Video: Antony Chan, Kris Chu