We are often asked this question and wish to share some information with our readers:
– The majority of children at the Refugee Union were born in Hong Kong as refugees.
– There are 200+ children of all ages among our active members, including 50+ babies.
– Their parents come from many countries in South East Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
– Many mothers are ex-FDH and 99% of fathers are refugees as these two social groups co-mingle.
– All children under the age of 14 were born in Hong Kong and have never left the city.
– Some of the older children were born overseas and sought asylum here with their family.
– Children cannot apply for residence as they inherit a parent’s immigration status and nationality.
– Their nationality is indicated on Immigration papers but very few actually hold a passport
– All children attend school from kindergarten to high school with support from the Education Bureau.
– Children receive food coupons and rent allowance (half of adult) from the SWD contractor.
– Like their parents, refugee kids do not receive clothes, shoes, bedding, school supplies, etc. from the government.
– Babies do not receive diapers from the government, so mothers depend heavily on donations.
– Children attendance at the centre depends on transportation money, programs and expected donations.
– We parents are very happy and thankful to collect donations for our kids at the Refugee Union!
We would be grateful for a small donation to our fund for basic needs.
Thank you in advance ????