Refugees need cash donations to meet daily costs that residents might take for granted. We prepared these four tables to illustrate how refugees might spend the cash they receive from the Refugee Union thanks to the generous support of residents like you!
Few realize that the government assistance is not “cash in pocket”. These amounts are disbursed to landlords and Park’n’Shop with the goal of preventing refugees from getting any money. In other words, landlords and Park’n’Shop collect the allowances to shelter and feed refugees who are not trusted to handle cash.
Only the transportation allowance is disbursed in cash though it is calculated exactly for the official monthly appointments (i.e. Immigration, welfare, lawyers) by the cheapest bus route from their home. Admittedly, some refugees pocket the money by walking which is often impractical as they live in remove districts.
Since January 2014 the government assistance consists of:
– HK$ 1500 for RENT paid directly to landlords of subdivided rooms;
– HK$ 300 for UTILITIES paid directly to landlords of subdivided rooms;
– HK$ 1200 for FOOD in prepaid cards from Park’n’Shop (not for cleaning/sanitary items);
– HK$ 200 for TRANSPORTATION to official visits such as Immigration, welfare and legal.
Therefore refugees don’t receive any CASH for personal spending which makes it very hard to survive on a daily basis. Besides, refugees do not have the right to work under threat of 22.5 months in jail. How would you cope?