Nov 27th, 2022 | Advocacy | Comment
Lives are going back to normal with the pandemic coming to closure. This piece reviews the major activities that happened at our centre in the past month.
Refugee Union, founded in 2014, is the only refugee-led society in Hong Kong. We have over 3,000 members from dozens of countries. Currently, our centre is in Sheung Wan. We work with visions to safeguard refugee rights and improve the situation of refugees in Hong Kong.
We are thrilled that an increasing number of activities are happening at our centre. On 9 November, Grassroot Future arranged a crochet workshop for refugee ladies at the Kowloon Union Church.
本會很高興看到越來越多的活動於本會的辦公室進行。11月9日,Grassroots Future的團隊於九龍佑寧堂為難民婦女舉辦針織工作坊。

On 16 November, our refugee leaders were invited to share their experience during an undergraduate course offered at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

On 18 November, our teacher Candice resumed the regular Cantonese class on Fridays for refugee adults. The class will help us better navigate life in Hong Kong.

This month teachers and students of the Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School visited our centre every afternoon and helped refugee kids with school work.

Many thanks to volunteers’ contribution!
This month we received donations of wide-ranging useful items. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to those who lend us a helping hand. Your support means a lot to us. We deliver all items we received to refugees.
Please continue to support our centre and stay tuned to our website and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) for updated information. You are also welcome to contact us by email at or visit our centre during office hours (Mondays to Saturdays, 10am-6pm).
請繼續關注本會的網站和社交媒體專頁 (Facebook、Instagram、Twitter) 以獲取本會發布的最新資訊,亦歡迎各位以電郵 ( 形式聯絡本會或親臨到訪 (辦公時間為星期一至六上午十時至下午六時)。
Nov 10th, 2022 | Advocacy | Comment
People’s lives gradually go back to normal with the pandemic coming to closure. This piece reviews the major activities that happened at our centre last month.
隨著大流行的結束,人們的生活逐漸復常。 本篇回顧了過去一個月於本會舉辦的主要活動。
Refugee Union, founded in 2014, is the only refugee-led society in Hong Kong. We have over 3,000 members from dozens of countries. Currently, our centre is in Sheung Wan. We work with visions to safeguard refugee rights and improve the situation of refugees in Hong Kong.
We are thrilled that an increasing number of activities are happening at our centre. On 6 October, we celebrated Grassroots Future running regular crochet classes for refugee ladies for nearly two years.
本會很高興看到越來越多的活動於本會的辦工室進行。10月6日,本會慶祝Grassroots Future的團隊為難民婦女舉辦針織課程近兩年。

On 7 October, Lifelong Labs and Studio Small Potato organised a creative workshop for refugee kids.
10月7日,Lifelong Labs和Studio Small Potato的團隊為難民孩子舉辦了創意工作坊。

On 25 October, we welcomed Dr Pui-kwan Man and students from the Department of Sociology at Hong Kong Shue Yan University who visited to learn about the service and impact of our centre.

On 28 October, students from Zenerations Hong Kong organised a knitting session for refugee mothers and raised money for their families.
10月28日,學生團隊Zenerations Hong Kong到訪本會教授難民婦女針織並為他們的家庭籌集資金。

Many thanks to volunteers’ contribution!
This month we received donations of wide-ranging useful items. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to those who lend us a helping hand. Your support means a lot to us. We deliver all items we received to refugees.

Please continue to support our centre and stay tuned to our website and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) for updated information. You are also welcome to contact us by email at or visit our centre during office hours (Mondays to Saturdays, 10am-6pm).
請繼續關注本會的網站和社交媒體專頁 (Facebook、Instagram、Twitter) 以獲取本會發布的最新資訊,亦歡迎各位以電郵 ( 形式聯絡本會或親臨到訪 (辦公時間為星期一至六上午十時至下午六時)。
Oct 6th, 2022 | Advocacy | Comment
School days have started. Ladies come to our centre to mingle when children are at school. Children come for revision and for fun after school. This piece reviews the major events that happened at our centre last month.
Refugee Union, founded in 2014, is the only refugee-led organisation in Hong Kong. We have over two thousand members from twenty countries, including five hundred children. Currently, our centre is based in Sheung Wan. Being an union of and for refugees, we work with visions to safeguard refugee rights and to improve the situation of refugees in Hong Kong.
This month we have had the honour to host students from international schools and representatives from different sectors. On 5 September, we welcomed Ms Lee from Giordano Hong Kong and Mr Fan from ECC Social Motivation at our centre to exchange ideas and discuss future collaboration.
本會有幸於過去一個月接待國際學校的學生團體和各界代表。九月五日,本會很高興接待 Giordano Hong Kong 的 Ms Lee 和 ECC Social Motivation 的 Mr Fan 並交流意見和商討合作事宜。

On 19 and 24 September, we were thrilled to have students from the Chinese International School visiting our centre and organising educational activities for refugee kids.

On 28 September, refugee ladies self-initiated a knitting workshop for other refugees.
Many thanks to volunteers’ contribution!
This month we received donations of wide-ranging useful items. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all Donors who lend us a helping hand. Your support means a lot to us. We promise to deliver all items we received to refugees.

Please continue to support our centre and stay tuned to our website and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) for the updated information. You are also welcome to contact us by email at or by visiting our centre during office hours (Mondays to Saturdays, 10am–6pm).
請繼續關注本會的網站和社交媒體專頁 (Facebook、Instagram、Twitter) 以獲取本會發布的最新資訊,亦歡迎各位以電郵 ( 形式聯絡本會或親臨到訪 (辦公時間為星期一至六上午十時至下午六時)。
Support Refugee Families in Hong Kong
Oct 5th, 2022 | Advocacy | Comment
You probably heard it before: “Refugees are not allowed to working in Hong Kong”. A statement that resonates with suffering only when you live in a refugee family where the stress levels are through the roof. We smile for the camera, but the reality is harsh because government support is limited to $3,200 a month for shelter, food, utilities and everything else.
Where can we get help? Charities and churches support where they can, but the economy is bad for everyone and assistance is shrinking. There is no way out of poverty so we are forced to beg to survive. The Refugee Union is a way to centralize efforts and help more refugee families with your help.
Can one survive on $3,200 a month in Hong Kong? Food assistance of $1,200/month, or $40 a day, is not enough for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Rent assistance of $1,500/month does not pay for the cheapest subdivided windowless rooms that cost twice that in run-down buildings. The government assistance has no provision for essentials like clothing, shoes, cleaning products, personal care, baby products, school supplies, phone access, medicines, etc.
Refugees are treated poorly and looked down on in Hong Kong. But we are still people. We deserve compassion. We deserve a chance to live with dignity. We deserve to be understood. With the help of wonderful volunteers we published a booklet to help everyone in the city to understand us better. Please download and share:
High food prices are causing refugee families great difficulties as we don’t have enough money to buy groceries for a month’s supply. We receive food donations from some charities, but sadly it is not enough to meet the needs of our members.
Click the link to donate:

Sep 5th, 2022 | Advocacy | Comment
It is summer break. Many refugee families brought their kids to our centre to have fun and to enjoy the air conditioning service. This piece reviews the major events that happened at our centre last month.
Refugee Union, founded in 2014, is the only refugee-led organisation in Hong Kong. We have 2,000+ members from 20+ countries, including 500 children. Currently, our centre is based in Sheung Wan. Being a union of and for refugees, we work with visions to safeguard refugee rights and to improve the situation of refugees in Hong Kong.
This month we were honoured to host a few students from local and international schools. On 3 and 4 August, students from a Po Leung Kuk affiliated school and the Hong Kong International School visited our centre to learn more about refugee issues through interviewing our members.

On 6 August, students from the German Swiss International School organised a workshop to teach refugee kids critical thinking.

On 12 August, student-led team Momentum introduced refugee kids to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and encouraged the new generations to solve problems in creative ways
8月12日,學生團體Momentum到訪本會並向難民孩子介紹聯合國可持續發展目標 (UNSDGs),同時鼓勵他們以創意思維解決疑難。

On 27 August, students from the Chinese International School organised a workshop to teach refugee kids public speaking skills.

On 30 August, volunteer Hillary taught refugees to make Lanterns to celebrate the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival.

Many thanks to volunteers’ contribution!
This month we received donations of wide-ranging useful items. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all Donors who lend us a helping hand. Your support means a lot to us. We promise to deliver all items we received to refugees.

Please continue to support our centre and stay tuned to our website and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) for the updated information. You are also welcome to contact us by email at or by visiting our centre during office hours (Mondays to Saturdays, 10am–6pm).
請繼續關注本會的網站和社交媒體專頁 (Facebook、Instagram、Twitter) 以獲取本會發布的最新資訊,亦歡迎各位以電郵 ( 形式聯絡本會或親臨到訪 (辦公時間為星期一至六上午10時至下午6時)。
Aug 1st, 2022 | Monthly Roundup | Comment
This month Hong Kong experienced its hottest day of the year. Many refugee families who live in small and hot subdivided flats thus came to our centre to enjoy the air conditioning service. This piece reviews the activities that happened at our centre throughout the month.
Refugee Union, founded in 2014, is the only refugee-led organisation in Hong Kong. We have over 2,000 members from 20 countries, including 500 children. Currently, our centre is based in Sheung Wan. Being an union of and for refugees, we work with visions to safeguard refugee rights and improve the situation of refugees in Hong Kong.
Although many of our activities are still suspended in view of the fluctuating epidemic condition, our centre continues to serve refugees in the city. A series of fundraising and community engagement work are ongoing.
This month we were honoured to host Simon Mak and Nerris Lam at our centre. They will be helping us on community engagement and fundraising affairs. We greatly appreciated the support from Simon and Nerris.
本會有幸於本月下旬與Simon Mak和Nerris Lam會面。他們將協助本會推展有關籌募和社區參與的工作。本會衷心感謝Simon和Nerris的熱心幫忙。

High food prices keep creating a heavy burden on refugee families as they do not have enough money to get groceries. Hence, we launched another fundraising campaign to help refugees buy food and necessities. We sincerely ask for your support to the local refugee community.
While fundraising is ongoing, this month we received donations of wide-ranging items. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all donors who lend us a hand. Your support means a lot to us. We promise to deliver all items we received to refugees who are in need.

Please continue to support our centre and stay tuned to our website and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) for the updated information. You are also welcome to contact us by email at or by visiting our centre during office hours (Mondays to Saturdays, 10am–6pm).
請繼續關注本會的網站和社交媒體專頁 (Facebook、Instagram、Twitter) 以獲取本會發布的最新資訊,亦歡迎各位以電郵 ( 形式聯絡本會或親臨到訪 (辦公時間為星期一至六上午十時至下午六時)。
Jul 6th, 2022 | Monthly Roundup | Comment
With the epidemic in Hong Kong coming to an end, folk lives stepwise go back to normal. This piece reviews the activities that happened at our centre last month.
About Us 關於我們
The Refugee Union was founded in 2014 and is the only refugee-led organisation in Hong Kong. We have over 3,000 registered members and half of these are active members. Currently, our centre is based in Sheung Wan. As an union of and for refugees, we have always been working to safeguard refugee rights and improve the situation of refugees in Hong Kong.
Activities at a Glance 活動一覽
20 June is World Refugee Day. The United Nations General Assembly in 2000 designated the day as an international day with the aim of raising global awareness of refugee issues.
This year our partner Grassroots Future launched the first Refugee Week in Hong Kong to honour refugee resilience and raise awareness. The campaign was featured by the Young Post. Click here for more details.
今年本會的合作夥伴Grassroots Future舉辦了本港首個「難民週」。該活動旨在向難民致敬,同時藉此喚起港人對難民議題的關注。該活動獲Young Post報導,詳情請按此。
On World Refugee Day, our volunteer Ka Wang Kelvin Lam wrote a short introduction about refugees in Hong Kong. The article has been published on our website. Click here to access the full article.
世界難民日當天,本會的志願者Ka Wang Kelvin Lam於本會網誌刊登了一篇文章簡述香港難民的狀況。請按此閱讀全文。
Our chairwoman, Namagambe Adella, was interviewed by Global Voices earlier. Ms Adella shared her experience as a refugee woman in Hong Kong. The article was out this month. Click here to access the full article.
另外,本會主席Namagembe Adella早前接受Global Voices訪問。Adella女士分享了自己身為女性難民在香港的經歷。請按此閱讀全文。
Giving is a Blessing 施比受更有福
This month we received donations of abundant items. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to our generous donors who lend us a hand. Your support means a lot to us. We promise to deliver all donations we received to our members who are in need.

Please stay tuned to our website and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) for the updated information. You are also welcome to contact us by email at or by visiting our centre during office hours (Mondays to Saturdays, 10am-6pm).
請繼續關注本會的網站和社交媒體專頁 (Facebook、Instagram、Twitter) 以獲取本會及本地難民社群相關的最新資訊。亦歡迎各位以電郵 ( 形式聯絡本會或親臨到訪 (辦公時間:星期一至六上午10時至下午6時)。
Global Voices – Women refugee claimants are disenfranchised by gender-blind screening in Hong Kong
Jun 21st, 2022 | Advocacy | Comment
Refugee Week Events
Jun 12th, 2022 | Advocacy | Comment
Announcing Grassroots Future’s agenda for 2022 Refugee Week
本年度 (2022) Grassroots Future 世界難民日活動一覽
Join us for the first year Hong Kong is running Refugee Week with a series of online and in person events that engage with the this year’s theme of “healing”.本月20日是世界難民日。本港將舉辦首個「難民週」,主題為「復原」。
This year’s event series is co-organised by本年度難民週的主辦機構如下:Grassroots FutureUNHCR Hong Kong 聯合國難民署 (中國香港特別行政區辦事處)Justice Centre Hong KongBlessVision Foundation 幸福傳聲基金會 Branches of Hope 希望枝子RUN Hong KongWISE HK 睿動香港We hope you’ll join us between 20-26 June to celebrate achievements, talents and stories about starting again and healing.
Sign up via the link in bio or歡迎您於本月20-26日參與難民週活動,讓我們一同向難民對抗逆境的勇氣致敬。詳情請見:

Jun 7th, 2022 | Advocacy | Comment
With Hong Kong’s fifth wave of outbreak coming to an end, everything in the city stepwise goes back to normal. This roundup reviews activities that happened at our centre in the past month.
About us 關於我們
The Refugee Union, founded in 2014, is Hong Kong’s only refugee-led organisation. Currently, our centre is based in Sheung Wan. Since our commencement of service, we have been working with visions to safeguard refugee rights and to improve the status quo of asylum seekers and refugees in Hong Kong.
Activities at a glance 活動一覽
This month activities at our centre began to resume as the local epidemic condition improved. On 25 May, volunteers of Grassroots Future organised a crochet workshop at our centre. Refugee ladies learned DIY with joys in the event.
本月二十五日,Grassroots Future 的義工團隊到訪本會並為難民婦女舉辦了一個針織工作坊。參加者於活動後皆表示獲益良多。本會衷心感謝義工團隊的努力。
On 27 May, we were honoured to host teachers and students from the Glenealy School. They visited our centre to learn more about the situation of asylum seekers and refugees in Hong Kong and sent us donations of items.
本月二十七日,己連拿小學 (Glenealy School) 的師生到訪本會,透過實地考察讓學生更深入了解本地難民社群的狀況。師生及後捐贈物資到本會,以行動支持本地難民社群。本會對此深表欣賞和謝意。
This month we were thrilled to be selected by the Hong Kong Arbitration Charity Ball (HKACB) as one of the beneficiaries. The annual event aims at raising funds to support Hong Kong’s charities and to facilitate the development of arbitration in Asia. The invite is a recognition of our service to the local refugee community. Thank you.
Giving is a blessing 施比受更有福
This month we received donations of wide-ranging items. We would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to all generous donors for lending us a hand. Your support means a lot to us. As always, we promise to deliver all donations we received to asylum seekers and refugees who are in need.
Please stay tuned to our official website and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) for the most updated information. You are also welcome to contact us by email at or by visiting our centre during office hours (Mondays to Saturdays, 10am-6pm).
請繼續關注本會的官方網站和社交媒體專頁 (Facebook、Instagram、Twitter) 以獲取本會及本地難民社群相關的最新資訊。亦歡迎各位以電郵 ( 形式聯絡本會或親臨到訪 (辦公時間:星期一至六 上午十時至下午六時)。