

Feb 14th, 2023 | Monthly Roundup | Comment

Prepared by our Student Interns, Terry Chow, Sally Leung and Alan Yip (in alphabetical order), from the Department of Sociology of Hong Kong Shue Yan University.

由香港樹仁大學社會學系的學生實習生Terry Chow、Sally Leung和Alan Yip(按字母順序排列)編寫。


Out with the old, in with the new. This month marks the opening of 2023. In a brand new year, we are thrilled to see kind-hearted people continue to visit our centre, sending us donations and organising activities for our members. This piece reviews the major activities that happened at our centre in the past month.



Refugee Union, founded in 2014, is Hong Kong’s only refugee-led organisation. We have over 3,000 members from 52 countries. Currently, our centre is based in Sheung Wan. We work with visions to safeguard refugee rights and improve the situation of refugees in Hong Kong.



Sharing at School Assembly 學校早會分享

On 13 and 18 January, we have had the honour to be invited by the Man Kiu Association

Primary School and DSC International School to give a sharing during the assembly on the lived experience of refugees in Hong Kong and how we are helping them. These are important initiatives to raise awareness.


Celebrating Lunar New Year 慶祝農曆新年

On 13 January, volunteers visited our centre and taught our members to write ‘fai chun’ to celebrate Lunar New Year. Wishing all of you ‘dreams come true’ and ‘prosperity and wealth’ in the Year of Rabbit.


Knitting Workshop 針織工作坊

On 26 January, volunteers from our partner organisation, Grassroots Future, organised a knitting workshop for our members who are ladies. Ladies are grateful for this opportunity to learn with fun.

1月26日,本會的合作夥伴Grassroots Future到訪並為難民婦女舉辦針織工作坊,寓學習於娛樂。

Pet Visit 寵物探訪

Our centre is pet-friendly. On 28 January, we welcomed a volunteer who brought her puppy Inky to our centre. Kids were overjoyed!



This month we received donations of wide-ranging useful items. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to those who lend us a helping hand. Your support means a lot to us. We deliver all items we received to refugees.


Please continue to support our centre and stay tuned to our website and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) for updated information. You are also welcomed to contact us by email at info@refugeeunion.org or visit our centre during office hours (Mondays to Saturdays, 10am-6pm).

請繼續關注本會的網站和社交媒體專頁 (FacebookInstagramTwitter) 以獲取本會發布的最新資訊,亦歡迎各位以電郵 (info@refugeeunion.org) 形式聯絡本會或親臨到訪 (辦公時間為星期一至六上午10時至下午6時)。


Aug 1st, 2022 | Monthly Roundup | Comment

This month Hong Kong experienced its hottest day of the year.  Many refugee families who live in small and hot subdivided flats thus came to our centre to enjoy the air conditioning service.  This piece reviews the activities that happened at our centre throughout the month.


ABOUT US  關於我們

Refugee Union, founded in 2014, is the only refugee-led organisation in Hong Kong.  We have over 2,000 members from 20 countries, including 500 children.  Currently, our centre is based in Sheung Wan.  Being an union of and for refugees, we work with visions to safeguard refugee rights and improve the situation of refugees in Hong Kong.



Although many of our activities are still suspended in view of the fluctuating epidemic condition, our centre continues to serve refugees in the city.  A series of fundraising and community engagement work are ongoing.


This month we were honoured to host Simon Mak and Nerris Lam at our centre.  They will be helping us on community engagement and fundraising affairs.  We greatly appreciated the support from Simon and Nerris.

本會有幸於本月下旬與Simon Mak和Nerris Lam會面。他們將協助本會推展有關籌募和社區參與的工作。本會衷心感謝Simon和Nerris的熱心幫忙。

High food prices keep creating a heavy burden on refugee families as they do not have enough money to get groceries.  Hence, we launched another fundraising campaign to help refugees buy food and necessities.  We sincerely ask for your support to the local refugee community.



While fundraising is ongoing, this month we received donations of wide-ranging items.  We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all donors who lend us a hand.  Your support means a lot to us.  We promise to deliver all items we received to refugees who are in need.


Please continue to support our centre and stay tuned to our website and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) for the updated information.  You are also welcome to contact us by email at info@refugeeunion.org or by visiting our centre during office hours (Mondays to Saturdays, 10am–6pm).

請繼續關注本會的網站和社交媒體專頁 (FacebookInstagramTwitter) 以獲取本會發布的最新資訊,亦歡迎各位以電郵 (info@refugeeunion.org) 形式聯絡本會或親臨到訪 (辦公時間為星期一至六上午十時至下午六時)。


Jul 6th, 2022 | Monthly Roundup | Comment

With the epidemic in Hong Kong coming to an end, folk lives stepwise go back to normal.  This piece reviews the activities that happened at our centre last month.


About Us 關於我們

The Refugee Union was founded in 2014 and is the only refugee-led organisation in Hong Kong.  We have over 3,000 registered members and half of these are active members.  Currently, our centre is based in Sheung Wan.  As an union of and for refugees, we have always been working to safeguard refugee rights and improve the situation of refugees in Hong Kong.


Activities at a Glance 活動一覽

20 June is World Refugee Day.  The United Nations General Assembly in 2000 designated the day as an international day with the aim of raising global awareness of refugee issues.


This year our partner Grassroots Future launched the first Refugee Week in Hong Kong to honour refugee resilience and raise awareness.  The campaign was featured by the Young Post.  Click here for more details.

今年本會的合作夥伴Grassroots Future舉辦了本港首個「難民週」。該活動旨在向難民致敬,同時藉此喚起港人對難民議題的關注。該活動獲Young Post報導,詳情請按此

On World Refugee Day, our volunteer Ka Wang Kelvin Lam wrote a short introduction about refugees in Hong Kong.  The article has been published on our website.  Click here to access the full article.

世界難民日當天,本會的志願者Ka Wang Kelvin Lam於本會網誌刊登了一篇文章簡述香港難民的狀況。請按此閱讀全文。

Our chairwoman, Namagambe Adella, was interviewed by Global Voices earlier.  Ms Adella shared her experience as a refugee woman in Hong Kong.  The article was out this month.  Click here to access the full article.

另外,本會主席Namagembe Adella早前接受Global Voices訪問。Adella女士分享了自己身為女性難民在香港的經歷。請按此閱讀全文。

Giving is a Blessing 施比受更有福

This month we received donations of abundant items.  We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to our generous donors who lend us a hand.  Your support means a lot to us.  We promise to deliver all donations we received to our members who are in need.


Please stay tuned to our website and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) for the updated information.  You are also welcome to contact us by email at info@refugeeunion.org or by visiting our centre during office hours (Mondays to Saturdays, 10am-6pm).

請繼續關注本會的網站和社交媒體專頁 (FacebookInstagramTwitter) 以獲取本會及本地難民社群相關的最新資訊。亦歡迎各位以電郵 (info@refugeeunion.org) 形式聯絡本會或親臨到訪 (辦公時間:星期一至六上午10時至下午6時)。


Apr 30th, 2022 | Monthly Roundup | Comment

The recent outbreak in Hong Kong is coming to an end following a significant decrease in local infection cases. We all cannot wait to resume social activities. At the same time, this April is also a milestone to our organisation. To better engage with the local community we start to provide a Chinese version for our social media posts. This article reviews the activities that happened at our centre in the past month.


About Us 關於我們

The Refugee Union was founded in 2014 and is the first refugee-led organisation in Hong Kong. Our centre is currently based in Sheung Wan. We work with visions to safeguard refugee rights and to improve the status quo of asylum seekers and refugees in Hong Kong.

難民聯會 (Refugee Union) 於2014年成立,為本港首個由尋求庇護者和難民自發組織和營運的團體。本會的會址現位於上環。自成立以來,本會一直致力於保障難民權益和改善本港尋求庇護者和難民的待遇。

Emergency Food Drive 緊急糧食儲備

Government offices and supporting organisations are closed during the lockdown. The refugee community has nowhere to seek help. Necessities went into shortage and prices went high as a result of panic buying. But for asylum seekers, they are prohibited from working and are solely reliant on HK$40 (US$5) a day to survive. The pandemic has further worsened their situation.

In view of this, we have initiated a fundraising campaign online. It is our hope to gather community resources and redistribute to asylum seekers and refugees who are in need. Kindly show your support for our Emergency Food Drive.



Abolish the Food Card System 廢除糧食卡制度

We have also initiated an online petition calling for abolishing the refugee food card system. Asylum seekers are only allowed to purchase items at the ParknShop supermarket. For the past eight years the policy has not changed, nor has the card value increased with inflation. It is unreasonable to distrust asylum seekers from managing the HK$40 a day to purchase items they need at the cheapest price they can find in the neighbourhood.

We respectfully request the Hong Kong Government to review the food card system and stipend for asylum seekers. Kindly show your support for us by signing the petition.

本會早前亦草擬了一封呈請書,呼籲特區政府廢除針對尋求庇護者的糧食卡制度。現時本港的尋求庇護者僅以每月HK$1,200 (相當於每日HK$40) 額度的糧食卡於百佳超級市場購買糧食和生活必需品。特區政府自八年前實施糧食卡制度以來從未檢視該政策的成效。實際上,本港生活成本高昂,糧食卡的額度早已追不上通脹。另一方面,有關尋求庇護者僅能於百佳超級市場購物的限制亦剝奪了他們以更相宜的價格購買糧食和生活必需品的機會。


Giving is a Blessing 施比受更有福

This month we received donations of wide-ranging items. We would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to all generous donors for lending us a hand. Your support means a lot to us. As always, we promise to deliver all donations we received to asylum seekers and refugees who are in need.


Please stay tuned to our official website and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) for the most updated information. You are also welcome to contact us by email at info@refugeeunion.org or by visiting our centre during office hours (Mondays to Saturdays, 10am-6pm).

請繼續關注本會的官方網站和社交媒體專頁 (FacebookInstagramTwitter) 以獲取本會發佈的最新資訊。亦歡迎各位以電郵 (info@refugeeunion.org) 形式聯絡本會或親臨到訪 (辦公時間:星期一至六 上午10時至下午6時)。